29 June, 10.30 AM
GSSI Main Hall

Automated Tests, TDD, Build Automation, Continuous Integration

We will present the main techniques for Test Automation. In particular, we will describe
several kinds of automated tests (unit tests, integration tests, UI tests and end-to-end
tests). We will then concentrate on the mechanisms for the Test Driven Development
methodology: write automatic tests before the code itself.  We will show a live demo of a
typical TDD programming session.  We will then explore other testing techniques such as
“mocking” in order to be able to test in isolation units of code without worrying about
the actual implementations of all its dependencies.

Afternoon session:
We will describe and show build automation mechanisms (to compile the whole project and run all tests in a headless way) and continuous integration systems (using free cloud systems available on the Internet). This automatic process will also compute metrics for code quality (such as code coverage, code smells and potential bugs in our code) using further free tools (also available as cloud systems).