Emilio's web page

67100 L'Aquila (Italy)
officeViale Rendina, 28 Room P2-16
Office Hours: always keen to meet; just drop me an email to fix a meeting.
mailemail ['.'/'dot']
phone+39 0862 428 0312
Recent talks (full list here) Highlights
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Events Fun & not so fun stuff
Latest from eM
  • January 16, 2025: Working on FORTE's tutorial
    December 27, 2024: Playing with Agda
    December 02, 2024: The TCS minor revision is almost ready!
    November 20, 2024: Looking forward PhD finalists!
    October 30, 2024: My TCS paper with Agus & Charlie accepted with minor revision!
    October 29, 2024: At ISoLA 2024, celebrating Rocco De Nicola!
    October 09, 2024: Back to fun with ARSMs!
    October 03, 2024: Working on my first teaching plan
    September 16, 2024: At ECOOP 2024, after a terrific FM 2024!
    July 10, 2024: 3rd ECOOP paper in a row!