Contact |
67100 L'Aquila (Italy)
 Viale Rendina, 28 Room P2-16
Office Hours: always keen to meet; just drop me an email to fix a meeting.
email ['.'/'dot']
 +39 0862 428 0312
Recent talks (full list here) |
Highlights |
The title says almost all. Search supports dynamic and semantic-based composition of services inplemented with different programming languages. June 19, 2024
- Pisa
A revised overview of quantitative techniques and behavioural types for the course on ‘Challenges and Perspectives of Formal Methods for Trustworthy Software’ - PhD seminars series (University of Pisa and IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca). May 16, 2024
- Dagstuhl seminar 24051
An overview of quantitative techniques and behavioural types. January 29, 2024
- Dagstuhl 2024
A 3-minutes presentation on current work. January 29, 2024
- BehAPI GSSI is almost in :)
- ChorGram One of my favourtie hobbies
- CIRC Clément Aubert new project on concurrency in reversible computing
- Formal Methods Europe Site about FM in Europe
- GSSI seminars I’m organising the seminars at GSSI: contact me if you are interested to give a talk
Recent stuff |
Projects |
Tools |
- with Elvis Konjoh Selabi, Maurizio Murgia, and Antonio RavaraA coordination approach to distributed systems inspired by smart contractsData-aware coordination
- with Philipp Haller, Ayman Hussein, Hernán Melgratti, and Alceste ScalasAfter some discussion at Dagstuhl seminar n. 21372, we came up with promising ideas to implement join patternsAn new implementation of join patterns
- with Florian Wayan Aaron Furbach, Roland Kuhn, and Alceste ScalasWe are definition a compositional mechanism for the swarm protocols defined with Hernán and RolandCompositional swarm protocol
- We are using sequentialisation for precise race-detection in C-like programsData Races in C
- with Roland Kuhn and Hernán MelgrattiWe are defining a behavioural typing discipline grounded on local-first principles for P2P networks where peers communicate via event notificationBehavioural types for local-first principles
- with Agustín Martinez Suñé and Carlos Gustavo PomboWe are defining a dynamic logic indexed with choreographies for the analysis of non-functional properties of communicating systemsChoregraphies and QoS
- with Franco Barbanera and Ivan LaneseWe are setting an abstract framework for choreographies based on formal languagesChoregraphic automata and formal languages
- with Alex Coto and Roberto GuancialeModel-driven testing based on choreographies…a first step. We introduce admissible tests and show how to derive them from global specificationsChoregraphy-driven testing
- with Ugo de’Liguoro and Hernán MelgrattiWe want to equip choreographies with refinement mechanisms in order to enhance modular developmentRefinement of choreographies
- with Hernán MelgrattiWe advocate a different nature of behavioural specifications that concern more data- than control-flow of protocolsData-driven behavioural specifications
Events |
Fun & not so fun stuff |
Latest from eM |
January 16, 2025: Working on FORTE's tutorial
December 27, 2024: Playing with Agda
December 02, 2024: The TCS minor revision is almost ready!
November 20, 2024: Looking forward PhD finalists!
October 30, 2024: My TCS paper with Agus & Charlie accepted with minor revision!
October 29, 2024: At ISoLA 2024, celebrating Rocco De Nicola!
October 09, 2024: Back to fun with ARSMs!
October 03, 2024: Working on my first teaching plan
September 16, 2024: At ECOOP 2024, after a terrific FM 2024!
July 10, 2024: 3rd ECOOP paper in a row!