22 July, Monday, 11.30 AM
Main Hall

MDE 4 Smart City

Modelling and, more in general, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) are core assets enabling the integration of heterogeneous domains and data sources, as required by a holistic domain like Smart Cities.

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) initiative promoted by the UN as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It identifies 17 goals calling for actions by all countries in partnership. SDG 11 is on Smart and Sustainable Cities.

To assess the progresses towards SDG 11 goals, quali-quantitative Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are provided, together with their collection methodologies.

KPIs will constitute the knowledge base for city administrations and other third-parties for analyzing and comparing economy, environment, society&culture dimensions of involved cities.

BrainTribe® is working on the official KPI Dashboard for the UN SDG program. built on top of its main product TribeFire®, a model-driven platform for platforms for data integration based on model-driven engineering principles.


  • Model Driven Engineering (MDE)

  • Smart City KPIs

  • UN Sustainable Development Goal 11